Today was a beautiful day! Just the right amount of breeze and the perfect temperature. So we decided to spend some time outside and enjoy the weather. Abigail played in her walker and loved the freedom of walking up and down the driveway. After I finished taking photographs of Staten and Abigail outside, Staten took the camera to take a few photos of Abigail with me. I told him I didn't like posed photos and so I squated to her level and reached my arms out for her. She came walking as fast as she could holding out her arms for me and then gave me the biggest hug ever! It was such a sweet moment! Her personality is really starting to show. By the way she said "uh oh!" today. And yesterday she was using her sock to wipe down/dush her pretty blue chair Aunt Gen Gen gave her. My daughter is awesome!
Our Abigail is getting sooo big! Since Christmas she has kept us very busy! She is crawling EVERYWHERE, pulling up and cruising, and babbling non-stop. It is awesome! In the last few weeks she has been mocking me when I fold the laundry, taken off her pants when left alone in her play pen, and pointing her finger on the pages of her books, as if she is reading herself. Every day is a new adventure and it is the best one of my life. Being at home is more of a blessing that I could ever hope for. I saw her crawl first! It was amazing! She is now crawling to find me and reaching for my finger to walk around with her. She is only holding on with one hand and this is very exciting for her. She squeals each time with excitement of her new accomplishment.
Abigail has six teeth with two more breaking through. Man is teething a nightmare. Not just for her but for us as well. She is still a healthy baby. We haven't been to the pedictrian in a month! This is the longest time without a visit since she was 8 weeks old. The antibotics for her kidneys ended on January 10th, 2010 and I am happy to report there has not been an infection! Praise the Lord! Seriously. This is an answer to our prayers.
Staten and I took our very first trip alone since Abigail was born. Two nights, and three days in New Orleans. Mimi and Papa kept our baby girl. I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be. It makes a difference when you know she is being taken care of. The trip was great. Weird being the two of us again, but at the same time sweet and romantic.