For the last 4 weeks, Abigail hasn't been sleeping at all during the night. I have tried many things and nothing seemed to work. I have made so many excuses thinking the next night will be better. Well, Thursday I had had enough. I made an appointment for Abigail to see the doctor. It was time for her well visit anyway. While I was there, I was planning to find out if something was wrong with Abigail to keep her up at night or was it just me. Do I need some medication? After a series of questions and a complete body check of Abigail, not me, the diagnosis was clear: My daughter is simply spoiled. Yes, I know it may be a shock, but spoiled. That is it. In the same moment she said this I thought, thank goodness she is spoiled and not sick. But then it hit me, spoiled. My child? The doctor wrote a prescription for Baby Boot Camp. She said that Staten and I just had to let her cry. After making sure she is okay and changing her diaper, just let her cry and in about 4 days, everything would be better.
So, I started home with a new outlook and a positive attitude. When it was time for her nap, I made sure she was changed and put her to bed in her room. She cried for 20 minutes straight while I was across the house telling myself not to give in. Then there was silence. After a few minutes, I went to check on her and she was sitting in her crib with no pants on, diaper half off, chewing on the monitor wires that she had pulled down into the crib from her dresser. It was too cute, but it wasn't what I thought I would find. Again, I laid her in the crib and let her cry for about 10 minutes and she feel fast asleep! Below is the photo of her sleeping, once she gave in. The nights are getting better. Slowly but surely, we are all sleeping better. Thank the Lord for an honest doctor and a great supportive husband!